On a Monday morning just after we announced the release of the JAMB form on our WhatsApp group, a member asked a question, thus “Can I Register UTME and DE Together for 2024/2025 Admission?”.
He wanted to know if it was possible to register UTME and DE together in the same year. He’d got the idea from his friend. A person has also claimed he registered the two a few years ago. Yet, he didn’t believe an applicant could process UTME and DE admission together for the same year.
Below in this post, we will answer the question. not only that, we will give enough information regarding this question so you can make an accurate decision if you find yourself in this kind of confusion.
Can I Register UTME and DE Together?
YES, it’s possible to register for JAMB UTME and DE together in the same year. But there’s a lot to know about this.
According to a tweet by JAMB; Registering for both UTME and DE is a serious offense. However, no further information was given on this.
Why You Shouldn’t Take Both UTME and DE the Same Year
- You can’t bypass the restrictions imposed by JAMB profile.
- All jamb candidates are only required to have just one profile account
- Dual registration is a criminal offense, you can be arrested.
- You can’t bypass the biometric security check.
- Before you process your UTME form jamb requires the system to capture your fingerprints.
With the reasons given above you can all see that dual registration is impossible, anyone who engages in such an act cannot scale through successfully.
So how can I cancel my jamb registration? Because I change my decision to register for direct entry DE only.
I have my ND certificate. I graduated last year and planned on registering Direct Entry this year. My dad insisted I write JAMB UTME as back up. I registered for jamb since the registration was first and now I’m worried that I shouldn’t have done that. Please, is there a way for me to still register for Direct Entry? because that was the main thing I want to do.
I have my ND certificate. I graduated last year and planned on registering Direct Entry this year. My dad insisted I write JAMB UTME as back up. I registered for jamb since the registration was first and now I’m worried that I shouldn’t have done that. Please, is there a way for me to still register for Direct Entry? because that was the main thing I want to do.
same here 😭🤦🏼♂️💔
I don’t have olevel results so without the olevel results can I register for DE and Jamb