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Home » Education » Top Useless Courses to Study in Nigeria 2023 | Bad

Top Useless Courses to Study in Nigeria 2023 | Bad

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Do you want to know the top useless courses and the bad courses in 2023 to study in Nigeria?

In Nigeria’s higher education realm, discussions about so-called “useless” courses often make headlines.

But is any course truly useless?

In this article, we aim to provide a comprehensive view of courses sometimes labelled as less practical and delve into the factors influencing these perceptions.

Are Some Courses Truly Useless?

Let’s start by addressing the idea that a course can be deemed “useless.”

The reality is that no course is inherently devoid of value.

The perception of a course as “useless” can vary widely depending on individual perspectives, societal needs, and economic contexts.

Understanding the Context

To evaluate whether a course is beneficial or not, it’s crucial to consider the context.

A course may be deemed less practical if it doesn’t equip graduates with skills that are in high demand in the job market or if it’s oversaturated with graduates.

However, it’s important to note that even these courses can offer valuable knowledge and skills.

Every course of study has its intrinsic intellectual value.

Some courses may not directly translate to job opportunities but can contribute to personal growth, and the development of critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

They can also serve as stepping stones to further academic pursuits.

The perceived value of a course can vary by region.

For instance, a course in marine biology might seem irrelevant in a landlocked area but is of utmost importance in a coastal region.

Therefore, it’s essential to assess a course’s relevance within a specific context.

Do you want to know the top useless courses and the bad courses in 2023 to study in Nigeria?

What Makes a Course Valuable?

Rather than focusing solely on the notion of useless courses, it’s more productive to consider what makes a course valuable.

Key factors include:

  1. Demand in the Job Market: Courses that align with the needs of the job market tend to be more valuable in terms of career prospects.
  2. Entrepreneurial Potential: Some courses empower graduates to create their own opportunities and businesses, making them valuable in entrepreneurial terms.
  3. Societal Impact: Courses that address pressing societal issues can contribute significantly to community development and, therefore, are valuable.
  4. Critical Thinking Skills: Courses that foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills are essential in any field.

Top Useless Courses to Study in Nigeria 2023/2024

While no course is genuinely useless, some have been subject to such labels.

Here are a few:

1.       Sociology
2.       Microbiology
3.       Zoology
4.       Animal Science
5.       Botany
6.       Soil Science
7.       Food Science And Technology
8.       Anthropology
9.       Marketing
10.    French
11.    Political Science
12.    Music
13.    Geography
14.    Animal Husbandry
15.    Applied Microbiology
16.    Marketing
17.    History
18.    Library And Information Science
19.    Social Studies
20.    Fisheries

In the world of higher education, it’s vital to recognize that no course is inherently useless.

Instead of dwelling on the notion of useless courses, consider the value a course can bring to your life, your interests, and your community.

Pursue a course aligned with your passions, and you’ll be on the path to personal and professional fulfilment.

We hope that our article on the top useless courses to study in Nigeria 2023 was helpful to you.

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About the Editorial Staff

The SchoolBegin team comprises a group of seasoned education professionals, spearheaded by Ofa Joseph, with a collective experience of more than 9 years. Their expertise has been instrumental in guiding countless students towards the realization of their academic aspirations.


  1. I have 175 in my jamb and i wanted to go for microbiology b4 but base on the information I’ve changed my mind. so which course should I go for , that has job opportunities in nigeria. please advise me


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